Educator through the lens of the staff developer

timer Asked: Mar 5th, 2016

Question Description

Scenario: Basic Cardiac Life Support

You are  working for a facility that has just purchased a $60,000 simulation mannequin.  As you read the instructions, you find out that the modules you need to teach  basic cardiac life support (BCLS) were not included in the simulator purchase.  You find that the simulator cannot be used to its fullest potential because the  interactive EKG and AED modules have not been purchased. You learn from the  director of nursing education that there was not enough money in the budget to  purchase the entire package. You are told that you must “make do” with what has  been purchased to teach a class of 30 leaners of varying ages and diverse  backgrounds.           

  1. Explain  how will you deal with motivational issues in this diverse learning group.
  2. How  will you discover intrinsic motivating factors to help the various members of  your audience learn the material that you plan to present?
  3. Determine  what possible issues related to resistant learners may you encounter.
  4. Assess  how will you manage the resistant learner.
  5. What  are the possible programs on BCLS support that you can design using this  simulation mannequin, despite the limitations imposed on you?
  6. Outline  the advantages of using this simulation package to teach BCLS.
  7. Determine  the limitations of using a simulation mannequin, which does not have an  interactive EKG and AED modules, to teach BCLS.
  8. Plan  how can you overcome these limitations.
  9. Construct  a method to evaluate your learners with a percentage to pass.

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