Writing Assignment: "Prove it"

timer Asked: Mar 6th, 2016

Question Description

As you know, a large group of people without homes has set up a camp near your home, and some people who live in your community want the government and police to send these people away. Others support supporting them, so the community can help them.

You submitted a proposal to present the side of the issue you support at the Town Hall meeting. Your proposal was one of five chosen to be presented at the Town Hall Meeting next week. The presentations are required to have the following components:

  • An Introduction
  • 3 supporting sections
  • A conclusion
  • An arguable thesis (stated in the introduction and conclusion)
  • At least 3 rhetorical devices
  • All 2 types of appeals
  • At least 3 different types of evidence
  • Refutation
  • Fewer than 5 obvious logical fallacies

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