
timer Asked: Mar 19th, 2016

Question Description

5–8 page

  • In preparation for your Key Assignment, you have discussed corrective action, resolved a management problem with employees showing resistance to change, and developed an organizational chart. Prepare a summary of these tasks.
  • Research and develop a mission and values statement for a facility.
  • Describe what types of health care this facility will provide.
    • Summarize their purpose and services provided, such as the type of health care, number of staff, type of staff, size, departments, and so forth. 

Part 2

Add the following to your Key Assignment:

  • Develop 5 ethical standards to implement at your chosen facility.
    • Research 2 companies with ethical standards, and develop standards in your own words. 
    • 2 APA references are required.
  • How would you present this information to staff during orientation or training? 
    • Describe this training.

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