parsing grammer

timer Asked: Mar 20th, 2016

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Parsing grammer

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Take-Home Midterm Exam The grammar for is // START: parser line: open context end ; open: ''; // END: parser // START: lexer NAME : LETTER+ ; // name is sequence of >=1 letter NUMBER : DIGIT+; LETTER : 'a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'; // define what a letter is DIGIT : '0'..'9'; WS : (' '|'\t'|'\n'|'\r')+ {skip();} ; // throw out whitespace // END: lexer 1. Top rule for the following simple language is simple_language: line project_body Please write the complete grammar in a table. Line Rule name number 1 2 3 Definition //start for parser simple_language: line project_body ; line: open context end ; … … 2. Create a parser for your grammar designed in 1. Your parser needs to print error message if the input is not compliant to your grammar. 3. Write a report in Word file containing a. Table for the grammar you design in 1. b. USE YOUR OWN WORDS to describe how you design the code for parser. Take-Home Midterm Exam c. Screen shot of the compiling result and execution result. Submit your report to the “report submission” link in blackboard. 4. Compress the files for your parser in a zip file and submit to the “source code submission” link in blackboard. Grading rubric Item\ Accomplishment Grammar format (10 points) Correctness of grammar (30 points) Similarity score of Report (30 points) Coding for parser (30%) 0% 50% 100% No table Partial table With table No correct design Partial design is correct. Correct grammar Similarity Score > 80% 51% < Similarity Score < 79% Can’t be Can be compiled, compiled but can’t parse successfully input correctly Similarity Score < 50% Can be compiled and parse input correctly
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