Revise the test cases

timer Asked: Mar 22nd, 2016

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It is important that you follow EACH and EVERY comment on the pdf. The last page of the pdf contains the test cases where you can find on the excel file. I can't emphasize the importance of following every comment on the pdf file.

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GPA Calculator Testing Report Test Case Lama Alshuaibi IT 335 March 1, 2016 Draft “On my honor, I have neither given nor received aid on this assignment.” School of Business Administration Table of Contents Description:........................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Testing Enviroment ........................................................................................................................................................... 2 Overview of Tests ............................................................................................................................................................... 2 Level of effort ....................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Entry Criteria ...................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Exit Criteria .......................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Glossary .................................................................................................................................................................................. 5 Reference .............................................................................................................................................................................. 6 Description: The Grade Point Average (GPA) calculator is an application that helps to generate a report regarding the grades a student at Marymount University. The intended audiences of this application are Marymount University students and staff. The GPA Calculator will help to obtain the GPA, which is computed by taking the total amount of grade point per subject and dividing it by the total amount of credit hours attempted. After this a GPA Average which a scale that ranges from 0 to 4.0 points is generated depending on the number of the subjects that a student entered. GPA Calculator is very useful when calculating the ranking point’s average of the students. The student would be able to enter between 1 and 7 courses together with their midterm grades. The grades are entered as a number between 0 and 100; all other grades are going to be rejected with an appropriate error message The system calculates the overall GPA in the range of 0 to 4.0 for the student and determines whether they are qualified to be included on the Dean’s List, which is a grade of 3.4 or above based on these grades. A special message is shown if the grade is above 3.8. The application also gives a warning message if the student has a GPA of less than 2.0, notifying them to seek support from the CTL to improve their grades before the end of the semester. The application displays each grade as a letter where A = 91-100, B = 81-90, C = 71-80, and otherwise the value is F. The application will contain the University’s logo at the top of the page. The application will summarizes the semester by displaying the student’s name, the semester, the overall GPA and any relevant comment (Dean’s List potential, “Congratulations!!” or “Warning – Seek Help from CTL”). 1 Testing Environment: Testing Environments depends on the type of testing that is being carried out. In our case we are testing an online web platform where the students enter marks and the grading point average is computed. Developers need to give access to a server environment so that the testing team can test the changes to the GPA application in a realistic setting. This server should be flexible to give real-time updates to the testing team involved in testing GPA calculator application. The testing environment should consist of a single web server and databases so that the computation of the grading system can be done on the web server and results saved in the database server. Overview of Tests: Functionality Testing This testing is done to establish whether the pages are well linked, test for database connections, sessions, and cookies to hold the session data. This test will help to identify if the GPA Calculator application pages are well linked and if the application connects to the databases successfully. Acceptance Testing: Acceptance test is a type of test that allows the end user to test whether the requirement are met or not. It usually occurs in the final phases of the software testing. This type of test helps in understanding how the software would cope with the users after the software is launched. 2 Security Testing: Security testing will be done to ensure that student GPA grades are kept safely on the database. This involves submitting encrypted data on a secure network hence maintaining the confidentiality and integrity. In case a character is entered instead of the numeric value an error message is reported. This helps to ensure that accurate data is passed to the application. Level of Effort: The total estimated testing period for one tester is three days. This time is reached based on different assumptions for example only one tester will be involved and all the test scenarios and cases outlined above will be carried out. This will Entry criteria: 1. Before the testing process begins the tester should have complete documentation of the application and should have complete knowledge how the application works. 2. Tester should be aware of how to use the testing tools and should have complete knowledge how to test in the testing tools. 3. Tester should have test cases and test data that is required for the testing purpose because that would only lead to 100% efficiency. Exit criteria: 1. All the test cases and test data must be tested to attain complete efficiency. 2. If bugs found than one should first look at that bugs and try to solve these bugs. 3. All the functionalities of the users must be satisfied any of the functionality shouldn’t miss. 3 4. At last one should look after that all the bugs were fixed and also look at the part were there are high risk of bug being occurred. Glossary No Term Definition 1 Refers to process of examining a system or component during Validation development to determine if it satisfies specified requirements and conditions 2 Usability It refers to the test performed to determine to which level a user can testing learn how to operate, enter the inputs and be able to interpret the results outputs of a system or component 3 4 Performance Refers to a test performed to check the extend at which a system or testing component conforms to the requirements Error This testing tries to bring out the difference between a computed, or measured value or and the true or specified value or condition 5 Black box This type of testing is only interested with the output generated by the testing system in comparison to the inputs within a given set of execution conditions. 4 6 Acceptance This testing is done to determine the level of satisfaction of the system testing to the customer. This level helps to determine if the customer accepts or will reject the system. References Admin, Y.-m. ( 2012, Sep 11). Entry and Exit Criteria in Software. Retrieved from Yes-M Systems: Schaumburg. (n.d.). GPA calculator. Retrieved from Roosvelt University: Gowri Shankar Palani- Associate Software Engineer, IBM 29 March 2011 Software Testing Help- November 3, 2015 Web Application Testing-Dr. Stéphane S. Somé 5 6 Sequence No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Type of Test Non-Functional Test Functional Test Functional Test Functional Test Functional Test Functional Test Functional Test Functional Test Functional Test Functional Test Non-Functional Test Functional Test Test Scenario Does the application open Leave a score field blank but not the course name field Display the calculated A grade Display the calculated B grade Display the calculated C grade Display the calculated F grade Enter the grade more than 100 Enter the grade less than 0. Enter letter in the grade field. Leave a course name field blank Submitting information A number entered into course field Test Data Run .exe Course: History Score: (Blank) All the courses have more than 90 marks All the courses have more than 80 but less than 90 marks. All the courses have more than 70 but less than 80 marks All the courses have more less than 70 marks. Course: History Score: 105 Course:History Score:-3 Course:History Score:-A Course:(Blank) Score:-95 User enters course and score details and clicks submit Course:5 Score:100 Expected Result The GPA_calculator application must launch Application should prompt an error message that is fill the blank field. Display:"You have A grade" and also message from DEAN Display:"You have B grade" and also message from DEAN Display:"You have C grade" and also message from DEAN Display:"You have F grade" and also message from DEAN Application should prompt an error message that is "Score value can't be >100. Application should prompt an error message that is"Score value can't be
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