In 2012, Barney and Co. saw a decrease in sales of 20%. The company had also

timer Asked: Mar 23rd, 2016

Question Description

In 2012, Barney and Co. saw a decrease in sales of 20%. The company had also recently purchased equipment to increase productivity, but has incurred the additional expense of paying back the loan for equipment. The loan makes up for 5% of the company's total expenditures for the period (1 year).

In a 4 page paper, please provide the following:

  • Three potential budgeting solutions in response to a decrease in sales (Use specific budget types to address this question).
  • Include how the company plans to accommodate for the decrease in sales. Create a budgeting plan for 2014.
  • Also give at least one suggestion for maximizing the budget in response to the equipment purchase.
  • Be sure that the paper has no spelling or grammatical errors
  • APA Style 

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