find out the probability in this question

timer Asked: Apr 3rd, 2016

Question Description

Susan put blue tiles, green tiles, and yellow tiles into a bag. All the tiles are the same size and shape. Susan will select one tile from the bag without looking, record its color, and then put the tile back into the bag. She will repeat this experiment 240 times. Based on the number of tiles of each color in the bag, Susan predicted the results shown in the frequency table below.

  Predicted Results

 Color of Tile      Frequency
  blue  120
  green 40
  yellow  --

a).Based on the table, what is the best prediction for the number of times Susan will select a yellow tile from  the bag? Show or explain how you got your answer.

A total of 12 tiles are in the bag.

b). Based on the table, determine the number of blue tiles, the number of green tiles, and the number of yellow tiles that are in Susan’s bag. Show or explain how you got each of your answers.

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