Hi, i need help with my Englis

timer Asked: Apr 4th, 2016

Question Description

Hi, i need help with my English Homework.Its about a book ' The boy in the striped pyjamas', by John Boyne's. I need 2 questions about Abuse of Power and the answers to them. So far these are the questions i have got:1) Who did the Abuse of power affect in the novel?    - In John Boyne's book the abuse of power affects Shmuel, Pavel and the rest of the concentration camp.2) How did the Nazi carry out such and act against the jews?    - They convinced themselves that they were not people, and therefore were not entitled to basic human rights or even to life.3) Why did Kotler think he could abuse the power?   - Kotler thinks he could abuse the power because the concentration camp was in an isolated place.............................................Could you please help me??Thank you!

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