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MyWork Form 5/4/16 9:09 Print this page ENGH039059: Unit 6 Evaluation Student ID: C74840855 Student Solbas Fagernes, Name: Simon Course ID: Course Name: ENGH039059 Eleventh Grade English 1: Early American Literature Evaluation ID: 6 Evaluation Name: Unit 6 Evaluation Unit 6 Evaluation Part A: Author Identification Identify the author of each passage. 1. “Degenerate sons and daughters, / Life is too strong for you– / It takes life to love Life.” a. Edwin Arlington Robinson b. Jack London c. Edgar Lee Masters d. Kate Chopin 2. “His pace of four miles an hour had kept his heart pumping blood to the surface of the body and to all the extremities. But the instant he stopped, the action of the pump eased down. . .” a. Edwin Arlington Robinson b. Jack London c. Edgar Lee Masters d. Willa Cather 3. “We have visited Mother very hard, for, in all probability, it is the last visit we shall have until we meet where the parting never comes—believe we have said everything we can think of to say.” a. Edwin Arlington Robinson b. Miriam Davis Colt c. Chief Joseph d. Kate Chopin 4. “Had this music any message for her? Did or did not a new planet swim into her ken?” https://mywaycool.nebraska.edu/?ActionFile=student/mywork&Action=View+Work&gb_uri=2627771&ptype=L Página 1 de 8 MyWork Form 5/4/16 9:09 a. Willa Cather b. Kate Chopin c. Edgar Lee Masters d. Miriam Colt Davis 5. “In fine, we thought that he was everything / To make us wish that we were in his place.” a. Miriam Colt Davis b. Chief Joseph c. Willa Cather d. Edwin Arlington Robinson Part B: Multiple-Choice Select the best answer for each question. 6. Which of the following best describes the role of place in naturalist literature? a. Naturalist literature focuses on internal thoughts, and place is unimportant. b. Naturalist literature suggests that people determine their environments. c. People are in harmony with their environments. d. People struggle to survive in harsh environments. 7. Which of the following best describes the role of place in realist literature? a. Realist literature focuses on internal thoughts, and place is unimportant. b. People are helpless pawns in a cruel environment. c. People are uncertain as they struggle to survive in their environments. d. People are in harmony with their environments. 8. In “To Build a Fire,” why is the man nameless? a. He is an orphan. b. He represents all people. c. The story is told from the dog’s point of view. d. The man functions only to provide an eye for the reader. 9. In “To Build a Fire,” which factor contributed to the man’s tragic situation? a. his overconfident and ignorance b. fate c. a harsh environment d. all of the above https://mywaycool.nebraska.edu/?ActionFile=student/mywork&Action=View+Work&gb_uri=2627771&ptype=L Página 2 de 8 MyWork Form 5/4/16 9:09 10. Which statement is not a correct description of how the man and the dog deal with nature in “To Build a Fire”? a. The man gradually overcomes his fear of nature. b. The dog instinctively responds to nature. c. The man is overconfident in his ability to master nature. d. The dog is better equipped to react to natural situations. 11. Which of the following best describes the relationship between the man and the dog in “To Build a Fire”? a. The dog is loyal to the man. b. The man and the dog care deeply about each other. c. The dog obeys the man out of fear. d. The man and the dog respect each other as part of nature. 12. In “To Build a Fire,” why does the dog seem to have an easier time surviving than the man? a. The dog is part of nature. b. The dog is easily deceived. c. The dog is more intelligent than the man is. d. The man relies on his instincts while the dog reasons. 13. What aspect of “To Build a Fire” is naturalist? a. The man is defeated by the natural elements. b. The man controls nature in the form of the dog. c. Greed leads the man to his death. d. The man craves adventure in the Yukon. 14. In “Richard Cory,” why do the townspeople believe Richard is happy? a. He drinks a lot. b. He is wealthy. c. He is always gracious and well mannered. d. Both “b” and “c” are correct. 15. According to “Richard Cory,” what does Richard lack? a. money b. good health c. friends d. good looks 16. What is ironic about “Richard Cory”? a. People see Richard as arrogant, but he has low self-esteem. https://mywaycool.nebraska.edu/?ActionFile=student/mywork&Action=View+Work&gb_uri=2627771&ptype=L Página 3 de 8 MyWork Form 5/4/16 9:09 b. People envy Richard, but he is unhappy enough to commit suicide. c. People believe Richard is wealthy, but he is very poor. d. Richard believes the people are his friends, but they dislike him. 17. In “Lucinda Matlock,” what does the speaker mean when she says, “It takes life to love Life?” a. Enjoying life is foolish. b. People who do not enjoy life might as well be dead. c. Happy people never have problems. d. Only people who have never suffered are well mannered. 18. Where are the families going in “Heading West”? a. California b. Missouri c. Kansas d. New York 19. “Heading West” contains excerpts from a. letters. b. a historical account. c. a journal. d. newspaper stories. 20. What is the perspective of the narrator of “Heading West”? a. Native American watching settlers b. storekeeper in Kansas City c. historian telling about settlers d. settler heading west 21. How do the settlers in “Heading West” travel the final miles of their journey? a. wagon b. steamship c. train d. barge 22. Unlike the settlers in “Heading West,” the Georgians a. supported slavery in the western territories. b. opposed the use of alcohol and eating meat. c. opposed slavery in the territory of Kansas. d. were traveling west to the new territories. https://mywaycool.nebraska.edu/?ActionFile=student/mywork&Action=View+Work&gb_uri=2627771&ptype=L Página 4 de 8 MyWork Form 5/4/16 9:09 23. “I Will Fight No More Forever” is a a. speech. b. letter. c. newspaper report. d. journal entry. 24. What is Chief Joseph’s perspective in “I Will Fight No More Forever”? a. victorious leader of a group of Native Americans b. Native American leader who believes his people can live with the new settlers c. Native American leader who has seen his people defeated and scattered d. successful leader of a large group of settlers in Kansas 25. Why does Chief Joseph say he “will fight no more forever”? a. Victory is won. b. He is tired of bloodshed. c. He has lost faith in his cause. d. His people are united. 26. Determine the method of characterization used to describe Aunt Georgiana in the following line from “A Wagner Matinée:” “. . . her linen duster had become black with soot.” a. a character’s thoughts and words b. a physical description of the character c. comments made by other characters d. the character’s statements 27. Determine how a reader would clarify the meaning of the following passage from “A Wagner Matinée:” “He requested me to meet her at the station, and render her whatever services might prove necessary.” a. Use a map to find the station. b. Find out what city the station is in. c. Look up the meaning of the word prove. d. Look up the meaning of the word render. 28. Determine the meaning of the following quote from “A Wagner Matinée:” “. . . would often stand until midnight at her ironing board . . . gently shaking me when my drowsy head sank down over a page of irregular verbs”? a. She preferred ironing to learning. b. She started her working-day late. c. She disliked the study of Latin verbs. d. She cared about her nephew’s schooling. https://mywaycool.nebraska.edu/?ActionFile=student/mywork&Action=View+Work&gb_uri=2627771&ptype=L Página 5 de 8 MyWork Form 5/4/16 9:09 29. In “A Wagner Matinée,” how does the narrator feel about how his aunt once cared for him? a. unhappy b. bored c. grateful d. angry 30. Which word or phrase describes Aunt Georgiana’s adult life on the farm in “A Wagner Matinée”? a. full of life b. lonely and full of hard work c. comfortable d. city-like 31. In “The Story of an Hour,” why is Josephine afraid to tell Mrs. Mallard that her husband died? a. Mrs. Mallard has a mental problem. b. Mrs. Mallard has a heart condition. c. Mrs. Mallard is expecting a baby. d. Mrs. Mallard is planning to leave him. 32. In “The Story of an Hour,” what is ironic about the sounds Mrs. Mallard hears after she has been told of her husband’s death? a. They are all sounds of ongoing life. b. They are all sounds from outdoors. c. They are all sounds from far away. d. They are all sad and lonely sounds. 33. In “The Story of an Hour,” the thing that Mrs. Mallard feels approaching her is described as “creeping” and as something that will “possess her.” Why are these words ironic? a. It is her sudden death she feels coming. b. It is her widowhood she feels coming. c. It is her mourning she feels coming. d. It is her freedom she feels coming. 34. Which moment in “The Story of an Hour” is an example of situational irony? a. when Mrs. Mallard wishes to be alone after hearing the news of her husband’s death b. when Mrs. Mallard weeps wildly after hearing the news of her husband’s death c. when Mrs. Mallard whispers, “free, free, free,” after hearing of her husband’s death d. when Mrs. Mallard says, “Go away,” after hearing the news of her husband’s death 35. When Mrs. Mallard says “free, free, free” in “The Story of an Hour,” what becomes clear? https://mywaycool.nebraska.edu/?ActionFile=student/mywork&Action=View+Work&gb_uri=2627771&ptype=L Página 6 de 8 MyWork Form 5/4/16 9:09 a. Mr. Mallard has not been killed in an accident. b. Mrs. Mallard does not have heart trouble. c. Mrs. Mallard is happy to be free of her husband. d. Mrs. Mallard’s sister is worried about her. 36. In “Luke Havergal,” what does the speaker want Luke to do? a. to visit her grave b. to join her in death c. to climb the western gate d. to meet her at twilight 37. In “Luke Havergal,” what relationship has existed between Luke and the speaker? a. They were sweethearts. b. They were mother and son. c. They were sister and brother. d. They were father and daughter. 38. In “Luke Havergal,” how does the speaker show Luke the importance of what she wishes him to do? a. by describing the eastern dawn b. by comparing hell and paradise c. by repeating “Out of a grave I come” d. by reminding him of her kiss 39. Which sentence best describes Lucinda Matlock’s view of life? a. The parties and explorations of youth are the best part of life; old age is full of pain, suffering, and loneliness. b. You need anger to get you through the hardships of life; the angrier you are, the more likely you are to survive to an old age. c. You must work hard and you may encounter sorrow, but life is basically fulfilling and rewarding. d. People’s lives are determined by fate, and no one really cares about what you think or how you feel. 40. Which of the following best describes the tone of “Lucinda Matlock”? a. contented b. despairing c. self-righteous d. disappointed When you have completed this evaluation, use the tools on this page to submit it for grading. You may only submit this evaluation one time. https://mywaycool.nebraska.edu/?ActionFile=student/mywork&Action=View+Work&gb_uri=2627771&ptype=L Página 7 de 8 MyWork Form 5/4/16 9:09 Save Submit Cancel The University of Nebraska is an equal opportunity educator and employer. ©2016, The Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska. All rights reserved. https://mywaycool.nebraska.edu/?ActionFile=student/mywork&Action=View+Work&gb_uri=2627771&ptype=L Página 8 de 8
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