answer question below

timer Asked: Apr 18th, 2016

Question Description

This journal activity is designed to provide students with an opportunity to reflect on the process of coming together in a relationship and to use chapter concepts to partially frame their journal entry.

Think of a relationship you have that has recently developed (with a romantic partner, friend, or family member). Write your own personal story of how the two of you “came together.” Use the questions below to guide your reflective thinking about the relationship and to get your writing started. There is no need to answer all of the questions—this activity is a journal, not an essay. Answer the questions that are most compelling to you and feel free expand on the questions below as you see fit. The questions draw on information presented in the chapter; please refer back to the chapter if you find it helpful in your journaling.

*How did the two of you meet? What did you say to each other initially?

*How did small talk function in your relationship early on?

*How did you go through the five stages of coming together? Are there stages that you did not experience?

*What are specific examples of the two of you engaging in the various stages of coming together?

*How would you characterize your movement through the stages?

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