Description of the target organization and nature of the conflict

timer Asked: Jun 3rd, 2013

Question Description

Assignment 1.1: Course Project—Description of the Target Organization and Nature of the Conflict

In this assignment you will identify a target organization for your course project along with some initial pertinent information related to the conflict. Please note that you will need to locate a sponsor for your project. Review the Sponsored Projects Handbook for more information.

Click on the Project tab for complete details on your course project.


  1. Review the weekly project assignments and the course project document to get a clear idea of what will be required of you to complete the course project. Make sure that you read the Sponsored Projects Handbook listed above for more information.
  2. Carefully consider the organization and the conflict that you will use as a basis for your course project.
  3. Prepare a short paper (one to two pages) that addresses each of the following points:
    1. The organization you will use as the basis for the course project.
    2. The nature of the conflict and the key stakeholders.
    3. The contact person within the organization that you will be working with (sponsor).

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