Why you are genius

Fhcre Travhf
timer Asked: Apr 20th, 2016

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Muhammad Basit Objectives Contacts  mcs.basit@gmail.com    basit.com@outlook.com heropak121@yahoo.com I am a skilled candidate proficient in performing duties efficiently and well. I am an energetic and highly potential. I possess good communication skills and leadership qualities. I am seeking job in an organization that has the potential for professional growth possibilities. 0304 5690286 (Cell) Education 0341 5689652 (Whatsapp) heropak121 (Facebook) super.genius.23 (Skype)  Matriculation in year 2008, Computer Science from, FBISE Islamabad   Intermediate in year 2010, Computer Science from, FBISE Islamabad Chartered Accountant started in year 2012, not yet completed, with only a single paper passed, from ICAP  Graduation complete in year 2014, Double Mathematics, Physics completed from Punjab University Master started now in year 2014, Mathematics from, Punjab University  Computer Skills    Languages Urdu Punjabi English Command over MS Office all features and MySQL Database Well prepared of Computer Languages i.e. HTML, JavaScript, CSS, PHP, C, C++,Java, GW-Basic, Visual Basic Working in various Software Courses i.e. Android App Development, Adope Photoshop, Web Programming, WIN32 App Development (In Progress), Adope Flash 8. Muhammad Basit Project Experience Contacts mcs.basit@gmail.com basit.com@outlook.com      Database Projects Visual Basic Project Android Application Development Project Web Designing complete websites Kit Kat game using c graphics heropak121@yahoo.com 0304 5690286 (Cell) 0341 5689652 (Whatsapp) heropak121 (Facebook) super.genius.23 (Skype) Area of Interest     Mathematics (Gifted Subject) Physics (Most interested Subject) Computer (Most Needy Subject) Economics (Only Model Building ) Extra-Curricular Activities    Languages Urdu Punjabi English All type of sports and games above all Cricket All type of exercise above all Karate Playing indoor games i.e. Table Tennis, Badminton, etc.
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