Accounting and Finance

timer Asked: May 8th, 2016

Question Description

 Approach follows the Exec Summary. It is stand alone because I want to understand the parameters of your analysis. I see you as an expert in your industry and company. You may suggest alliances to reduce cost or you may introduce tech innovation or you might choose to  outsource - to arrive at your business decisions. Most of the time approach allows you not to have a yes or no answer. For instance it gives me an opportunity to see why someone made this business decision. The best time to write it is after your paper.

 "Approach. Provide your intended audience with a solid, but brief, sense of the parameters of your analysis and who else you would consult in refining it further and why. Remember, your goal is to convince readers of the validity of your observations, while recognizing limitations that affect business decisions."

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MBA 520 Module Eight Cost of Capital Worksheet The assignment in this module builds on the idea of forecasting and valuation theory from Chapters 6 and 7 in Module Six by valuing a company through calculations using real data. This will strengthen your recommendation in the final project by giving you the means to provide evidence from a financial analysis. Prompt Review the questions below and use the data provided in the question to solve the calculation. As you work through each equation, think about where the data for your company may be found to make the same calculations and how the information from these calculation can inform your recommendations for your final project. Use the non-graded discussion board in this module to ask questions of your peers to inform your responses to the questions below. 1. What is the market interest rate on XYZ’s debt and its component cost of debt? Coupon rate 12% Coupons per year 2 Years to maturity 15 Price $1,153.72 Face value $1,000 Tax rate 40% Market Interest Rate = Cost of Debt = 2. What is the firm’s cost of preferred stock? Nominal dividend rate 10% Dividends per year 4 Par value $100 Price $111.10 Cost of Preferred Stock = 3. What is XYZ’s estimated cost of common equity using the CAPM approach? β 1.2 rRF 7% RPM 6% Estimated Cost of Common Equity = 4. What is the estimated cost of common equity using the DCF approach? Price $50 Current dividend $4.19 Constant growth rate 5% Estimated Cost of Common Equity = Worksheet adapted from Brigham, E., & Houston, J. F. (2016). Fundamentals of financial management (14th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. 5. What is the bond-yield-plus-risk-premium estimate for XYZ’s cost of common equity? "Bond yield + RP" premium 4% market interest rate on XYZ’s debt 10% Bond-yield-plus-risk-premium estimate = 6. What is your final estimate for rs? METHOD ESTIMATE CAPM 14.20% DCF 13.80% rd + RP 14.00% Estimate = 7. XYZ estimates that if it issues new common stock, the flotation cost will be 15%. XYZ incorporates the flotation costs into the DCF approach. What is the estimated cost of newly issued common stock, considering the flotation cost? % Flotation cost 15% Net proceeds after flotation $42.50 Cost of Newly Issued Common Stock 8. What is XYZ’s overall, or weighted average, cost of capital (WACC)? Ignore flotation costs. wd 30% rd (1 – T) 6.00% wp 10% rp 9.00% wc 60% rs 14.00%
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