Software Testing - RTM

timer Asked: Jun 10th, 2013

Question Description

Excel Document:

  • The creation of at least 20 “shall” driven requirements
    • 5 external interface requirements, 5 safety, 5 security, 5 performance that will support unit, usability and system test; and the draft unit/usability/system test plan, test method/procedure, and test report
    • Note that there should be a separate RTM for unit, usability, and system tests.
    • Ensure SRSs are written in a testable manner, are not vague, and capture the required functions needed to satisfy each area: safety, security, etc.

RTM should have at least 3 rows ID, Requirements, and Component. ID should be the unique ID of the requirement. Requirements should be the actual testable “shall” requirement. Component should be the component(s) of the software or system that has been allocated for this functionality (i.e., user interface, security, etc.).

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