need help with the project on OO concept

timer Asked: Aug 12th, 2016

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ISEM 530: Information Systems Analysis and Design Project 2 (100 Points) – Business and Systems Analysis Organization: Team of about 3 Part A: Detailed Design (50 Points): You have to go beyond requirements and now develop detailed design based on OO concepts. Your deliverable is a report that shows the following:  Each team member should develop an OO design solution for the service defined in proj1 (this is just an extension of Project1).  Based on the specifications produced so far (analysis plus design),each tem member should recommend 2-3 COTS (Commercial Off-The-Shelf) software packages that satisfy the specifications that you have developed. Note: This may “remind” you of an ISEM500 assignment.  The entire team should now combine the services defined so far into a larger “Service Bundle” (a Composite) that may represent a department, an office, a small company, a small agency, an initiative, whatever. Your main task is to develop an OO design solution for this Service Bundle (you must use the materials in the text to develop the design). You must also capture the relationships between the services in the Bundle (“Intelligent Patterns”) Deliverable Format: 7-10 Page report with key results PART B (50 Points) Self Assessment Use a Computer aided planning tool for Self Assessment of the design produced for the services and/or service bundles defined so far. Information about this tool will be provided later. Deliverable; Self assessment Form (about 2 Pages)
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