You have recently been appointed as the chief of police of a large urban police department, Discussion Question help

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Business Finance


You have recently been appointed as the chief of police of a large urban police department. One of the primary problems your department is facing is the increasing gang and drug activity in the downtown area. Citizens have complained that the gangs have vandalized the buildings, taken over abandon houses in the neighborhood for drug activity and prostitution. There also has been an increase in violent crimes including assaults, drive by shootings, robberies, and homicides. As the chief, you have to decide how to address these issues

Plan to Organize the Neighborhood

  1. Describe in detail a plan to “take back the neighborhood. Your plan should describe the role of the police chief, the police officers, the community (people living in the community and community leaders), and the mayor.
  2. How can you try to ensure your plan will be effective? Be specific

What are some indications that this neighborhood is suffering from social disorganization?

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