CMGT 445 week 3, 4, and 5 individual. Implementation Plan papers and program.

timer Asked: Jul 1st, 2013

Question Description

Week 3

Resource: University of Phoenix Material: Implementation Plan Template

Create an implementation plan for your organization, one of the Virtual Organizations, or a project from the websites such as or a state RFP site.

Obtain instructor approval of the plan before beginning.  

Include the following:

  • Business strategies for implementation
  • Both technology- and human-based safeguards used for information systems
  • Information comparing security requirements of out-sourcing and in-sourcing
  • Comparison of technical, user, and system training documentation
  • Timelines and the need for their accuracy
  • Reference page

Week 4

Design an application or site that presents and explains your Implementation Plan. The site must include all sections of the plan and related content and consist of multiple web pages.

Demonstrate the following characteristics:

  • Effective file management
  • Accurate and functional markup code
  • Effective and functional navigation

Use any familiar web, Java™, .NET, or database development tool to design, develop, and create the application or site.

The application or site must adhere to the following criteria:

  • Apply usability best practices and principles of design.
  • Page content is organized and professional.
  • Create effective navigation for the application or site.
  • Integrate multimedia effectively.
  • Use internal, external, and anchor links in the application or site.
  • Demonstrate the plan for testing.

Submit your application or site in a compressed .ZIP file or folder. Include all runtime executable and source files. Identify what file should be loaded (.INDEX or .DEFAULT) or run (.EXE) first.

Submit an additional copy of your application or site to your Learning Team forum so it can be peer reviewed during Week #5

Week 5

Expand your application or site to include input form(s)—such as a change control request, a support ticket request, a test or bug report, a training request, or a contact request.

Use any familiar web, Java™, .NET, or database development tool to design, develop, and create the application or site.

The application or site must adhere to the following criteria:

  • Apply usability best practices and principles of design.
  • Form and page content is organized and professional.
  • Create effective navigation for the application or site.
  • Integrate multimedia effectively.
  • Use internal, external, and anchor links in the application or site.

Submit your application or site in a compressed .ZIP file or folder. Include all runtime executable and source files. Identify what file should be loaded (.INDEX or .DEFAULT) or run (.EXE) first.

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