Annotate Bibliography

timer Asked: Nov 7th, 2016

Question Description

For this assignment, create an annotated bibliography for your course project by completing the following:

Course Project Topic: Factors leading to alcoholism

  • Using the Capella University Library, locate 5–10 journal articles related to the topic you developed for your final project. Because you sharpened the focus of your topic in the Unit 2 assignment, the library search tools should be able to assist you in locating recent articles from scholarly professional journals relevant to your chosen topic.
    • Use the Capella University Library and Capella University Library Undergraduate Research Guide links in the Resources section for help with finding journal articles in the library.
  • In a Word document, include the following for each article you decide to use:
    • The full APA reference for the article. Use the Annotated Bibliography presentation and APA Style and Format page linked in the Resources for more information on how to do this properly.
    • A summary, in your own words, of the findings. Paraphrase; do not quote.
    • An explanation of how this resource is useful for your paper.
  • Submit your assignment to Turnitin using the assignment designated link, and then submit your paper to your instructor for grading.
    • Remember that because this is an annotated bibliography, your Turnitin Originality Report will likely have a high percentage of matches.

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