
timer Asked: Jul 4th, 2013

Question Description

Hi I have a very basic understanding of Java, and find it very difficult to learn, so I hope I am in the right place. I am currently working on this project and here are the instructions:

Write a program that makes use of a class called Employee that will calculate an employee's weekly paycheque. Design your class based on the UML diagram to the right as well as the following notes:

A static field, empCount, keeps track of the number of instantiated employees and can be retrieved using the static method getCount( )
The constructor initializes the employee's name and employee number (a random number in the range of 1000 - 9999)
The method setEmployeePay( ) is overloaded to accomodate different payment methods based on empType:

Type 1 - Salaried employees have a yearly salary, payed on a weekly basis
Type 2 - Hourly employees are paid an hourly rate for the number of hours worked (overtime is time and a half for hours over 40)
Type 3 - Piece employees are paid a base amount plus $24.00 for every piece completed

The method calculatePay( ) will determine what the employee's weekly pay is, based on their payment type
The methods getName( ) and getNumber( ) return the employee's name and employee number respectively
All input & output should be displayed in the main class only

The main program should test your class by instantiating four different employees:

Test a salaried employee
Test two hourly employees, one who has worked overtime and one who hasn't
Test a piecework employee
The following data can be hard-coded into your program (no prompts to enter data other than the names):

Employee 1: (22.50, 35.0)
Employee 2: (45350.00)
Employee 3: (500.00, 25)
Employee 4: (14.75, 48.0)

And the output...

Enter a name: Bob
Employee count is 1
Enter a name: Ted
Employee count is 2
Enter a name: Carol
Employee count is 3
Enter a name: Alice
Employee count is 4

Employee 1583 Bob earned: $787.50
Employee 4891 Ted earned: $872.12
Employee 7954 Carol earned: $1,100.00
Employee 5497 Alice earned: $767.00

UML Diagram

Now I'm not gonna lie, I have no idea where to start. I will post my code but I am nowhere near done.

public class Lab01 {


* @param args the command line arguments


public static void main(String[] args) {

// TODO code application logic here

// Declare variables

int empCount; //number of objects in memory

String empName; //employee name

int empNumber; //employee number

double empSalary; //employee salary

double empRate; //employee pay rate

double empHours; //employee hours worked

double empBase; //employee base pay rate

int empPieces; //extra pieces made by employee

int empType; //employee type

public double calculatePay()


if(empType == 1)



empSalary = empSalary / 52;

return empSalary;


if (empType == 2 && empCount == 1)


setEmployeePay(22.50 35.0);

return empRate * empHours;


if (empType == 2 && empCount == 4)


setEmployeePay(14.75 48.0);

return empRate * empHours;


if(empType == 3)


setEmployeePay(500.00 25);

return empBase + (empPieces * 24);


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