Philosophy Question

timer Asked: Nov 15th, 2016

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Critical Thinking and Ethics Test 2 Study Guide Deontology: The First Formulation and Its Problems What arguments does Kant give against consequentialism? On the test. State the first formulation of the categorical imperative in your own words. 2 3. Apply the categorical imperative to lying. 4. Consider the thought experiment I gave you where an incredibly handsome celebrity asked you to lie on his behalf in order to save his life. According to Kant, even if we lie in order to help another, in is still wrong to do so. Why? What happens to the first formulation of the categorical imperative when there is a conflict between 5. rules? 6. 7. Deontology: The Second Formulation and Its Problems State the second formulation of the categorical imperative in your own words. More recently, Martha Nussbaum and Rae Langton have detailed 8 different ways in which society-or individuals in a society-can objectify others. List and describe these 8 ways. According to Kant, what is the source of one's moral consideration? What does this imply for nonhuman animals, or the mentally disabled? Is this a problem for the second formulation of the categorical imperative? Why? 9. According to Kant, it would be wrong to harm an infant, a nonhuman animal, or the mentally disabled. What argument did he attempt to give in order to justify this? 10. Why is the argument in question 9 an unsatisfying argument? Prima Facie Deontology 11 What does it mean to say that something is a "prima facie duty?" 12. List and describe the 7 prima facie duties we discussed in class. Are these duties meant to be absolute? What does it mean to say that a prima facie deontologist is a "pluralist"? 13. How does a prima facie deontologist resolve a situation where several duties are in conflict with each other? One of the biggest criticisms of prima facie deontology is that, in the wrong hands, it allows people to misuse or abuse their duties. Elaborate. Virtue Ethics 15. What is the definition of a virtue? How does one come to know the virtues, according to the doctrine of the golden mean? How does one acquire the virtues? 16. What is the functional account of the good? 17. Both utilitarianism and deontology are preoccupied with answering the question concerning what one ought to do. In contrast, what question does virtue ethics attempt to answer? 18. Discuss both intrinsic and instrumental value. 19. Can Aristotle agree with the utilitarian understanding of happiness? Explain how Aristotle understands happiness. 20. The most troubling moral dilemmas do not concern character, but action. Is this a problem for virtue ethics? Why or why not
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