Project Management

timer Asked: Nov 18th, 2016

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Project management

Critical path method

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1. A project has the activity duration and cost information indicated in the table where all times are in weeks. Activity A B C D E F G H I J Predecessor -A A B C E D A H F,G,I Normal Time 8 12 15 3 9 7 8 12 6 11 Normal Cost $12,000 $20,000 $24,000 $10,000 $17,000 $5,000 $14,000 $22,000 $50,000 $33,000 Crashed Time 5 9 10 2 6 6 6 10 5 9 Crash Cost $21,000 $30,000 $60,000 $15,000 $34,000 $6,000 $20,000 $30,000 $55,000 $50,000 a. Draw a network diagram and find the critical path, ES, EF, LS, LF, and slack. b. There is a penalty of $7,000 per week for every week the project extends beyond 39 weeks. What is the lowest total cost for completing this project? 2. Consider the hours needed per day for each activities in the following table. Use the values in the table to answer the following questions. Activity A B C D E F Normal Time (days) 10 7 5 4 6 8 Hours needed per day 6 2 7 3 3 6 Predecessor --B C A D,E a. Draw a network diagram and find the critical path, ES, EF, LS, LF, and slack. b. Assume that the project starts on Monday December 5th, 2016 and works 5 days a week. Create a resource loading table and a resource profile bar chart. c. Assume that the maximum amount of time used per day is 8 hours. Level the resources in the resource loading table to satisfy the 8 hours per day. Then, discuss what happened on this project and give your suggestions. 3
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