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Unit 7 Text Questions • Review Questions • 1. List and define three different types of collective behaviors. • 2. What are two different theories of collective behavior? Explain each of the two theories. • 3. List and define two different types of social movements. Give an example of each type. • 4. Describe the stages or lifecycle of a social movement. • 5. What is resource mobilization theory? How do social movements develop according to this theory? • Critical Thinking Questions • 1. If you could do research on any one type of collective behavior, which type would it be? Define the type of collective behavior that you choose and discuss why you think you’d like to study this type? What would you hope to learn? • 2. Contagion theory argues that crowds have a hypnotic effect on individuals, causing them to act in ways that they ordinarily would not. Do you agree or disagree with this theory? Why or why not? Do you think that one of the other theories presented better describes collective behavior? • 3. Describe one instance of collective behavior that you were a part of. Which type of collective behavior do you think the situation fits best? Where did the situation happen? What was the outcome of the situation? • 4. Social movements occur around many different issues in society. If you could start or join a movement, which issue in society would you choose? Why? What would you hope to accomplish? • 5. Choose one past or present example of a social movement in society. What type of social movement do you think that this example illustrates? Who is the social movement trying to change? How much change are they trying to get in society? Lab Questions • The Antidote to Apathy
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