Object oriented analysis and design, computer science homework help

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their are 3 stages need to be answered in the following pictures

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Muscat College SD: Object Oriented Analysis and Design: H172 35 Stage 1 - Analysis You are required to analyze the system requirements from the givent brief. This could be carried out using various techniques, such as Natural Language Analysis, research into similar existing systems, or any other suitable techniques. The outcome of this stage will include: (a). Analysis documentation (CRC Cards) (b). Use case diagram (c). Four or more use case scenarios which include pre and post conditions, trigger event and the best case scenario flow of events. Alternative or exceptional behavior must be included in at least one use case scenario. Stage 2 - Static model You are required to produce a static model of the system. The output of this stage is a class diagram that includes: (a). Visibility of attributes and operations (public, private or protected) (b). Specification of appropriate association, aggregation and inheritance relationships between classes Stage 3 - Dynamic model You are required to produce a dynamic model of the system. The outputs this stage are: (a). Sequence diagram showing the flow of messages between three or more objects, for one use case (b). Construction of one other dynamic model diagram from a choice of - activity, collaboration, state chart, component. The diagram must be appropriate for the scenario Computing Department Version 1.1-16/17 Page 3 of 3 Systems Development: Object Oriented Analysis and Design: H172 35 Muscat College Assessment Task 2 Outcome(s) covered 2 &3 Assessment task instructions This is an open-book project covering Outcomes 2 and 3. The project is broken down into three stages. You are required to create design documentation based on the given brief. All the Evidence Requirements which you must achieve are detailed after the brief. This project will be carried out under supervised and unsupervised conditions, ie you may work on this in your own time. The assessor will check the authenticity of any work you have done unsupervised. Version 1.1-16/17 Page 1 of 3 Computing Department SD: Object Oriented Analysis and Design Use the scenario given below to model the online shopping system. Online customer can browse or search items, view specific item, add it to the shopping cart and update the shopping cart. Customer may search for items, browse catalog, view items recommended for him/her, and add items to shopping cart or wish list. Checkout is assumed to include user registration and login (Customer Authentication). Checkout also includes payment which could be done either by using credit card or with PayPal. Customer authentication is required for viewing recommended items. At the same time item can be added to the shopping cart without user authentication. Each customer has unique id and is linked to exactly one account. Account owns shopping cart and orders. Customer could register as a web user to be able to buy items online. Customer is not required to be a web user because purchases could also be made by phone or by ordering from catalogues. Web user has login name which also serves as unique id. Web user could be in several states - new, active, temporary blocked, or banned, and be linked to a shopping cart. Shopping cart belongs to account. Account owns customer orders. Customer may have no orders. Customer orders are sorted and unique. Each order could refer to several payments, possibly none. Every payment has unique id and is related to exactly one account. Each order has current order status. Both order and shopping cart have line items linked to a specific product. Each line item is related to exactly one product. A product could be associated to many line items or no item at all. Version 1.1-16/17 Page 2 of 3 Computing Department
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