Brief chemistry questions

timer Asked: Nov 22nd, 2016

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Please show work when you get to the calculations part.

And use the formula that is needed to complete it

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III. Quantitative problems (1 pt each; To receive full credit, SHOW ALL WORK!) 5. Mars 'Elliptical Orbit. Mars' distance from the Sun varies from 1.38 AU to 1.66 AU. How much does this change the strength of sunlight on the planet? (Hint: Remember that sunlight follows an inverse square law.) 6. Tidal forces. Calculate the tidal force exerted on lo by Jupiter. III. Quantitative problems (1 pt each; To receive full credit, SHOW ALL WORK!) 5. Mars 'Elliptical Orbit. Mars' distance from the Sun varies from 1.38 AU to 1.66 AU. How much does this change the strength of sunlight on the planet? (Hint: Remember that sunlight follows an inverse square law.) 6. Tidal forces. Calculate the tidal force exerted on lo by Jupiter. I. Multiple Choice (12 pt each) 1. We can recognize the oldest surface regions on Mars by the fact they have (a) the most impact craters. (b) the most volcanoes. (c) the most evidence of past water flows. 2. Global warming means that (a) Earth's average temperature is increasing. (b) every place on Earth is getting warmer. C) Earth will soon have a runaway greenhouse effect. II. Short Answers (1 pt each) 3. What is tidal heating? [BONUS: How does tidal heating affect the moon lo?] 4. What is a habitable zone and how is the idea useful? III. Quantitative problems (1 pt each; To receive full credit, SHOW ALL WORK!) 5. Mars 'Elliptical Orbit. Mars' distance from the Sun varies from 1.38 AU to 1.66 AU. How much does this change the strength of sunlight on the planet? (Hint: Remember that sunlight follows an inverse square law.) 6. Tidal forces. Calculate the tidal force exerted on lo by Jupiter.
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