W4 Discussion "May It Please the Court " VR

timer Asked: Nov 27th, 2016

Question Description

Please respond to EACH of the following discussion topics and submit them to the discussion forum as a single post. Your initial post should be 75-150 words in length. Then, make at least two thoughtful responses to your fellow students’ posts. If you haven’t recently, please review the Rules of Discussion.

For your initial post this week imagine that you are a lawyer arguing a case concerning federalism before the Supreme Court of the United States of America. This case has to do whether the power to create policy on a particular issue should be in the hands of the Federal Government, left to the States, or left in the hands of individual citizens.

Then, you must support your argument to the Supreme Court by finding and using an applicable part of the United States Constitution.

Select one of the following starters to start your argument (only do one):

  • May it please the court, the federal government, not the states has the power to legalize marijuana because …
  • May it please the court, the states, not the federal government, has the power to legalize marijuana because …
  • May it please the court, neither the states nor federal government has the power to legalize marijuana because …
  • May it please the court, the federal government, not the states, has the power to pass gun control because …
  • May it please the court, the states, not the federal government, has the power to pass gun control because …
  • May it please the court, neither the states nor federal government has the power to pass gun control because …
  • May it please the court, the federal government, not the states, has the power to pass education policy because …
  • May it please the court, the states, not the federal government, has the power to pass education policy because …
  • May it please the court, neither the states nor federal government has the power to pass education policy because …
  • May it please the court, the federal government, not the states, has the power to recognize or even restrict same sex marriages because …
  • May it please the court, the states, not the federal government, has the power to recognize or even restrict same sex marriages because …
  • May it please the court, neither the states nor federal government has the power to recognize or even restrict same sex marriages because …

For your two follow up posts you may do the following:

  • Pretend you are a justice of the Supreme Court and question the argument of one of your peers.
  • Respond to the questions of your peers to your initial argument.

Please respond to the initial question by day 5 and be sure to post two additional times to peers and/or instructor by day 7. The initial post by day 5 should be 75 to 150 words, but may go longer depending on the topic. If you use any source outside of your own thoughts, you should reference that source. Include solid grammar, punctuation, sentence structure, and spelling.

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