Sign-off follow up tool

timer Asked: Jul 14th, 2013

Question Description

Hello everybody In our organization we have a sign-off process that is manual at the moment. A project initiator needs to verify with necessary departments and get an ok from them before he can continue with the project. So what we are looking to implement is a sign-off system with several departments and users, and a clear status of where the sign-off process is at the moment. See attachment. At the first step, in order for us to make a right choice, each freelancer need to sketch out a plan for how to solve this task, break it into smaller task, or just have an architectural design of how you think this should be solved. It is up to you. You can make it not so understandable up to details, but we should understand what are you going to do. Skills required: AJAX, HTML5, Javascript, PHP, SQL

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