How do I solve this. When it is not perpendicular

timer Asked: Mar 23rd, 2017

Question Description

the is on the chapter : properties of circle

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10. In the figure, O is the center of the circle. S, T, U and I lie on the circumference of the circle. OM= ON and Mand N are the midpoints of ST and UV. Given MN = 14 cm and ST = 22 cm, find UV. T CASIO tx-90 SG PLUS S V C SHIFT ON ALPA MODE SETUP U BRA Abs 13 DEC VE HEX 10" BIN 2 log 름 VO In TAT (-) sini costre, tan sin COS tan 0999 hyp STO RCL a M N Mt ENG SAD CLR INS OFF 7 8 8 9 DEL AC nP 4 5 6 3 BASE STAT 1 X2 + 1 2 3 Hod Kand DRGS 0 X10* Ans ST-16.470 cm (
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