Web development assignment

timer Asked: Mar 23rd, 2017

Question Description

I want this assignment to be about the car Bugatti. Just talk about the car in general and add some pictures of it.

The requirements are in the file. It must be followed.

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Instructions The construction of the web page must be logically correct and all parts of it must relate in some way to the purpose of the web page. Web pages which are designed solely to meet grading standards as simply an accumulation of unrelated information will not be accepted. 1. Author information (Required; can be a link to your resume assignment) A picture of the student Working e-mail address 2. Use CSS files having at least 5 rules. (Required) 3. Formatting outside of the CSS fie (1 point for each formatting feature, maximum of 8 points) Centering, boldfacing, and other formatting should be used to enhance the Web pages 4. Structural Element (e.g. article, aside, footer, nav, section) 5. Special Characters 6. (Hypertext links) Anchor names and links inside a page Links to the internet Links using hotspots or image map. 7. Usage of metadata 8. Colors: Usage of hexadecimal to define color Color enhancement using hsla or rgba 9. Graphics 10. Contextual Structure in the CSS file 11. Attribute selector using an id or class in the CSS file 12. Styling text using elements shown on the demo site 13. Ordered/Unordered list Changing the list style type 14. Pseudo-class or pseudo-element 15. Web forms One web page should have a form in a similar style 16. Comment 17. Originality 18. Links or embedded video or audio clips 19. Table CSS table formatting 20. Box Model (i.e. padding, border, margin) 21. Background-Image 22. Usage of overflow
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