Kindly help with this assignment (Using Operating Models)

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The book Enterprise Architecture as Strategy speaks of four different operating models linked to the relative degree of data integration and business standardization: Diversification, Coordination, Unification, and Replication. There would be low data integration and low business standardization with the first, high data integration and low business standardization with the second, high on both vectors with the third, and a high/low rating on the last. An example of a company with a diversified model is GE. One with a unification model would be Walmart. A coordination model is often seen in financial institutions and, regarding the replication (think "franchise") model, both Marriott and McDonalds are excellent examples. All this noted, even a small organization can use knowledge of operating models.

Give an example of how even a family or small business could leverage this concept.

NO plagiarism, about 30 lines

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