computer human interaction a1a2

timer Asked: Mar 25th, 2017

Question Description

Section 3.3 of the text presents “The Four Pillars of Successful User Interface Development” (p. 103). With the understanding that websites cannot be developed in a vacuum without input from users, write a 2-3 page APA-formatted paper discussing methods a designer might use to: (1) determine who the users of the site will be, (2) the potential needs of the users, i.e., disability access, types of information needed, etc., (3) gather user input, and (4) design the interface based on information gathered. Your paper should include at least 2 additional references besides the course text.


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Assignment 1 х Designing_the_User_Intex . Х c file:///C:/Users/sujit/Downloads/Designing_the_User_Interface.pdf 27 CALLECTIONS . 3.3 The Four Pillars of Design 103 Successful User Interfaces User- interface Requirements Guidelines Documents & Process User-interface Software Tools Expert Reviews & Usability Testing Ethno- graphic Observation Theories & Models Algorithms & Prototypes Controlled Experiments Academic Research FIGURE 3.1 The four pillars of successful user-interface development. Designing_the_Use........ Canceled Show all Designing_the_Use....... Х O Ask me anything 0 e 1 1:15 AM 22-Mar-17 Assignment 1 х Designing_the_User_Intex . Х c 27 file:///C:/Users/sujit/Downloads/Designing_the_User_Interface.pdf tion is done and preliminary requirements are established, more detailed design and early development can begin. This chapter covers strategies for managing early stages of projects and presents design methodologies. Chapter 4 focuses on evaluation methods. . 3.3 The Four Pillars of Design If standardization can be humanized and made flexible in design and the economics brought to the home owner, the greatest service will be rendered to our modern way of life. It may be really born—this democracy, I mean. 99 Frank Lloyd Wright The Natural House, 1954 The four pillars described in this section can help user-interface architects to turn good ideas into successful systems (Fig. 3.1). They are not guaranteed to work flawlessly, but experience has shown that each pillar can produce an order-of-magnitude speed-up in the process and can facilitate the creation of excellent systems. 3.3 The Four Pillars of Design 103 Designing_the_Use........ Canceled Show all Designing_the_Use....... Х O Ask me anything 0 e 1 ] -..!! 1:16 AM 22-Mar-17
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