Human-Computer Interaction

timer Asked: Mar 26th, 2017

Question Description

Human-Computer Interaction

Here are two types of virtual assistants. First there are ‘live’ computational models of the face and brain as in (click on the link and view the video):

Second there are voice-only assistants in Google Assistant, Google Now, Siri, Alexa, and Cortana.

  1. Describe the benefits and disadvantages of each type (‘live’ computational and voice-only) with respect to Nielsen’s five quality components of usability1. [10 points]


2. What are benefits and disadvantages of each type when making an HCI for speakers of different languages using the same HCI at the same time? [10 points]

3. What are the benefits and disadvantages of each type when making an HCI for persons with disabilities? In your answer consider many different disabilities. [10 points]

4. Construct a usability questionnaire specifically for HCIs using virtual assistants. [10 points]

5. Describe a process you would use to gather data and analyze results using your usability questionnaire for HCIs using virtual assistants. [10 points]

6. Suppose that Sheetz is considering replacing its in-store M.T.O2 touch screen devices and the current navigation by selection with a virtual assistant.

a. Describe the benefits and disadvantages of each type for this HCI [10 points]

b. For the type that you identify having the most benefits, describe in detail how a person would navigate through the menu and place a M.T.O food order. [15 points]

7. Suppose that you are designing an HCI for a language learning tool3 and you want to replace mouse and keyboard navigation with a virtual assistant.

a. Describe the benefits and disadvantages of each type for this HCI [10 points]

b. For the type that you identify having the most benefits, describe in detail how a person would navigate through the HCI for a language learning tool (using at least the navigation you can observe in the Mango Languages “How It Works” module). [15 points]

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