Trade and Cash Discount, business and finance homework help

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Business Finance


Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to provide students an opportunity to apply the concepts of trade and cash discounts covered in Ch. 8 to integrated case studies.

Assignment Steps

Resources: Trade and Cash Discount Cases Excel® Template

Save the Trade and Cash Discount Cases Excel® Template to your computer.

Read the instructions on the first tab.

Complete the two Excel® cases located in the template.

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Case 8.1 Chapter 8 Page 305 of your text Text: Business Math, Eleventh Edition Case 8.1 Image Manufacturing's Rebate Offer Part 1 Current Order Unit Price Additional number of pieces moved from another company Total Order Total Cost for the order Rebate (%) hinges per month each Rebate ($) for the total order =Rebate %*Total Cost for the order Total discounted price =Total Cost minus Rebate Discounted cost per piece =Discounted Price/Total Order New order quantity Unit Price Total Cost for the order hinges per month each =New Order Quantity*Unit Price Rebate (trade discount) ($) Total rebate for the order per piece =Rebate($)*New order quantity Discount (%) =Total rebate/Total cost for the order New order quantity Unit Price Total Cost for the order pieces per month each =New Order Quantity*Unit Price Rebate (trade discount) ($) Total rebate for the order Net amount before cash discount =Rebate($)*New order quantity =Total cost - Total rebate for the order Cash discount (%) Cash discount ($) =Cash Discount (%)*Net amount before cash discou hinges per month ---> Current Order + Additional n =Total Order*Unit Price --> This number should be a percentage. Part 2 Part 3 Total concession (rebate + cash discount) $ Net Price ($) Part 4 Total cost - Total concession Unit Price Rebate (trade discount) ($) Rebate (%) =Rebate($)/Unit Price Describe a minimum of 90 words if you think other Image Manufacturing customers may claim unfair trade practic s may claim unfair trade practices? Why? Why not? Case 8.3 Chapter 8 Page 306/307 of your text Text: Business Math, Eleventh Edition Case 8.3 The Artist's Palette Parts 1 and 2 Supplier 1 Supplier 2 List Price First Trade Discount % Second Trade Discount % Third Trade Discount % Net Decimal Equivalent Net Price Recommendation Choose one Part 3 Supplier 1 Supplier 2 List Price First Trade Discount % Second Trade Discount % Third Trade Discount % Net Decimal Equivalent Single Trade Discount Trade Discount ($) Part 4 Terms # of Days to take the discount Date on invoice Final Date to take Discount Invoice Total Eligible for discount Cash Discount % Cash Discount $ Total Amount Due Sept 26 Amount saved by paying early =C30 + C31 (Yes or No) =Invoice Total - Cash Discount $ =Invoice Total - Total Amount Due Sept 26 Part 5 Date on Invoice Terms No. of days to take advantage of discount Final Date to Take Discount Date on Invoice 9/16/2015 2/10, n/30 -- You want the invoice to be paid in the first =C42 + C44 9/16/2015 Terms Was the Date on Invoice before 26th? End of CURRENT Month Days Past End of the Month Final Date to Take Discount 2/10, EOM Date on Invoice Terms Was the Date on Invoice before 26th? End of NEXT Month Days Past End of the Month Final Date to Take Discount 9/26/2015 2/10, EOM (Yes or No) -- Use EOMONTH function -- You want the invoice to be paid in the first =C50 + C51 (Yes or No) -- Use EOMONTH function -- You want the invoice to be paid in the first =C57 + C58 In a minimum of 90 words, explain which one you would recommend. Choose one In a minimum of 90 words, explain why a student would pick the one chosen. =(1 - 1st Trade Discount%)*(1 - 2nd Trade Discount%) * (1 - 3rd Trade Discount%) =(Net Decimal Equivalent)*(List Price) =(1 - 1st Trade Discount%)*(1 - 2nd Trade Discount%) * (1 - 3rd Trade Discount%) =1-Net Decimal Equivalent ce Total - Cash Discount $ ce Total - Total Amount Due Sept 26 want the invoice to be paid in the first 10 days of NEXT month
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