Write article according to the requirements of the film

timer Asked: Mar 28th, 2017

Question Description

Write article according to the requirements of the film.

Must be written as required.

The job requirements are on the picture.

The topic of my article is " Gun Control "。

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Citation annotation Fish, Tyler. "Living the Dream. " Professur Quarterly. Boston 2017. PRINT, 1. Summary: What is the point? (Why) What are the main point / arguments 2. Assesment of the sour& : Evaluate the crudubulty of 3. Reflechon: How does thus fit Into is it bras ox obyschue? What is the goal? Specife My Research? the author, useful of subject How does this help? N ANNOTADBL ad? SS batoh Wom Wess Meeting in LIBRARY, Room 105 Ecoef tasy - Cites Salus MA -Cits Souters MLA -Stand alone Dawnord 3 ASSIGNMENTS ANNOTATED Biblioaraphy Research Essay Pursuasive Essay 1. Choose I topic 2. Ann. Bib. Covers all sources for Research + Persuasive Essays L under Reflection Section, you must tell me if its for the R OR P & CUR Both) essays + How/why 3 Pequired to use at least Le Sources per essay. I it must suit each * If you Double-dep, essay in different Was. TY En Due: PRINTED IN Clos CASS ON YONDAY , APRIL 3 Weas. Class - Bring laptops & ANNOTATED Bibliakaphy CITATION of SOURCE IN PROPER MLA FORMAL ANNOTATION O Summary of main my POINTS In Source Soucos TO WORK on in class @ ASSESSMENT of Source CREDIBILITY Bflict on how this Suect fits in and adds to Lave Resurch/Persussee Essays Be specific FISH I TYLER Fish Peof. FISH Eng 20 DATE STEM CELL RESEARCH AN ANNOTATED Bibliography Hollano, Suzawe. 'STEM GENS." MEDICAL JOURNAL. Boston: MTT PRESS, 2001. PRINT. Summary ASSOSSMENT Everything 15 Doubo-Spaces 380 Person Reflection- STOReow, Betsey, minum Boston: Mit Press, 2001. Prent. A OF
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