project by using Microsoft access

timer Asked: Mar 29th, 2017

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project by using Microsoft access

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Project Stage 2 The second stage of the project requires students to perform the three steps to convert REA diagram to tables in the event-oriented modeling (See the slides to Chapter 9). 1. Examine the standard solution for Kim Flowers Stage 1. 2. Convert your EER diagram into tables. Make sure that you follow the procedure described in class and the slides to Chapter 9. 3. The submission must be typed in WinWord. You will turn in the project via your Morgan email account, using subject the convention specified in our syllabus. Kim’s Flowers Revenue Cycle Assignment solution Kim Burke is the owner and operator of a small flower shop, Kim's Flowers. She has decided to develop a database system to track her sales, inventory, accounts receivable and cash receipts. This system is used for large orders that are arranged in advance. However, she does not have time to do the development herself. Therefore, she has hired you to design and implement the system for her. She describes the requirements of her system as follows: Whenever a customer (A )comes in to place an order (E), a sales clerk (A) enters a Sales Order directly into the computer system. The sales order lists all of the floral inventory items (R) the customer wishes to purchase. The clerk then prints the sales order and gives a copy to the customer. If this is a new customer, before entering the sales document, the clerk must enter the customer's basic information such as name, address, etc. Additionally, credit for new customers must be approved by Kim. When Kim (A )completes delivery (E) of the sales order, an accounts receivable clerk (A) records the delivery on a special screen. When delivery entry is completed, Kim prints the invoices and sends them to customers. When customers send in their payments, a sales clerk records the cash receipts (E )on a special input screen. Kim takes the all of the cash (R) receipts for a day and prepares a single deposit slip form and makes the deposit (E). Kim later enters the deposit information from the paper form into the computer.
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