Explore Family Genealogy

User Generated




Does your family have a "kinship" keeper or person who is responsible for maintaining information about family history? Are you aware of anyone in your family having researched a family tree or ancestry information? How do you think online resources such as Ancestory.com have influenced this information gathering? If you would like to log into ancestory.com you can do so free for two weeks to explore the resources there. Is having this information important to your identity as a member of your family? Why or why not? Please discuss how you will present your findings with the instructor.

User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

Explanation & Answer


Family Genealogy - Outline
Thesis statement: Family genealogy is useful to understanding how genetics influenced certain
traits, like height. Not everything is caused by genetics.
1. Does your family have a "kinship" keeper or person who is responsible for maintaining
information about family history?
2. Are you aware of anyone in your family having researched a family tree or ancestry
information? How do you think online resources such as Ancestory.com have influenced
this information gathering?
3. If you would like to log into ancestory.com you can do so free for two weeks to explore
the resources there. Is having thi...

Awesome! Made my life easier.


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