Why does being an educated part of onc's society matter? If if so,how and why ( in a family , nieb

timer Asked: Apr 3rd, 2017

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please just follow the instructions that's in the file that I uploaded. You must " qoutes" from 9 different sources

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Heather Benes Benes 1 Instructor Beneš THROW NOTHING AWAY. KEEP ALL OF YOUR DRAFTS. COME TO CLASS WITH A CLEAN DRAFT EVERY CLASS. English 1 A-Essay #1 June 2016 Nothing Like the First Assignment (Your paper deserves a creative or unique TITLE) (Question) Do you want to know what the first assignment is? Please bring a typed, double- spaced draft to class on based upon the following question: Why does being an educated part of one's society matter? If if so, how and why (in a family, neighborhood, community, country, OR globally)? Your response is answering the question through the use of your provable points, which are support, shown, or explained from quoted material. You must include "quotes” from 9 different sources...5 of which must be different kinds. (Interview, news article, web blog, book, flyer, magazine article, journal, data base, etc). Obviously, this is a perspective piece. Some of you will choose to take a more global view; others may choose something closer to home. The topic works either way. The following criteria apply: 1. Proper MLA format 2. A title 3. You must use an intro/conclusion strategy (Title/title reference and Grabber/Grabber echo). The type of grabber you use must be identified in (grabber type) before the opening paragraph. 4. Framework within your introduction which sets up the context of the conversation. Tells the reader why the topic/question is important, relevant, interesting. Defines terms society and education 5. Your thesis should clearly state the provable reasons or ideas that answer the question. (Your thesis must be underlined so that I know you know what your thesis is). For purposes of clarity, this is a single sentence at the end of your intro paragraph. 6. Each support paragraph should start with a topic sentence that relates to and supports your thesis and your purpose (written in Italics). 7. Each support paragraph should have specific and detailed support in the form of examples, explanation, data, dates, and quotes" (source). (These examples in each body paragraph MUST relate to the topic sentence of its own paragraph and likewise, the thesis). While many could write a book about the answers to this question, this is a 5 paragraph ONLY, so word choice matters. You must say what you need to say clearly, stay to the point, and remember why you are writing. Do your words reflect a singular message? Please pay special attention to the rhetorical moves between sentences, i.e.: transitions (there should be at least three In BOLD transitions in each paragraph. This includes transitions between both paragraphs and sentences...one word transitions and transitional phrases. This Essay must be turned in with ALL written on drafts (words, punctuation/sentences, paragraph patterns, essay ABC check), and a complete Works Cited Page along with self-check rubrics.
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