Lab: Bone Case Study

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Please do the following:

  1. Begin by reading the case study provided by the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science,
  2. Please use online software and other resources to visual and understand the bones as you discover which ones they are by solving the case. eSkeletons (Click on Taxons on the top bar, and choose human) is a good software to use for this purpose.
  3. Complete the attached worksheet and take it with you to the Annandale campus so you can complete it while studying the models. Or, you may take notes when you are at the SLC and complete the worksheet at home.


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ELI NAS 161 Unit 5 Bone Case Study Worksheet Be aware that the case for the lab is from the National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science and is copyrighted. Neither the case nor its answers can be placed anywhere near the Internet. You cannot post this online in any form. Second, Fill in the blanks on this worksheet. Bone 1 contains: (A) olecranon fossa, (B) deltoid tuberosity, (C) head, and (D) medial epicondyle. It is the_____________________ Number in body ________ Brief description _________________________________________________________________________ Bone 2 contains: (A) long spinous processes, (B) transverse facets, and (C) vertebral foramen. It is the_____________________ Number in body ________ Brief description ______________________________________________________________________________ Bone 3 contains: (A) medial malleolus, (B) lateral condyle, and (C) tuberosity. It is the_____________________ Number in body ________ Brief description ______________________________________________________________________________ Bone 4 contains: (A) promontory, (B) superior articular process, and (C) foramina. It is the_____________________ Number in body ________ Brief description ______________________________________________________________________________ Bone 5 contains: (A) acromion, (B) glenoid fossa, and (C) corocoid process. It is the_____________________ Number in body ________ Brief description ______________________________________________________________________________ Bone 6 contains: (A) linea aspera, (B) lateral epicondyle, and (C) greater trochanter. It is the_____________________ Number in body ________ Brief description ______________________________________________________________________________ Bone 7 contains: (A) head, and (B) lateral malleolus. It is the_____________________ Number in body ________ Brief description ______________________________________________________________________________ Bone 8 contains: (A) olecranon, (B) head, and (C) styloid process. It is the_____________________ Number in body ________ Brief description ______________________________________________________________________________ Bone 9 contains: (A) acromial end, and (B) sternal end. It is the_____________________ Number in body ________ Brief description ______________________________________________________________________________ 1 ELI NAS 161 Bone 10 contains: (A) lamina, (B) square spinous processes, and (C) large body. It is the_____________________ Number in body ________ Brief description ______________________________________________________________________________ Bone 11 contains: (A) apex, and (B) base. It is the_____________________ Number in body ________ Brief description ______________________________________________________________________________ Bone 12 contains: (A) head, (B) neck, and (C) styloid process. It is the_____________________ Number in body ________ Brief description ______________________________________________________________________________ Bone 13 contains: (A) transverse foramen, (B) bifi d spine, and (C) small body. It is the_____________________ Number in body ________ Brief description ______________________________________________________________________________ Bone 14 contains: (A) manubrium, (B) body, and (C) xiphoid process. It is the_____________________ Number in body ________ Brief description ______________________________________________________________________________ Bone 15 contains: (A) costal groove, (B) shaft, and (C) head. It is the_____________________ Number in body ________ Brief description ______________________________________________________________________________ Bone 16 contains: (A) capitate, (B) pisiform, and (C) triquetral. It is the_____________________ Number in body ________ Brief description ______________________________________________________________________________ Bone 17 contains: (A) proximal, (B) middle, and (C) distal pieces. It is the_____________________ Number in body ________ Brief description ______________________________________________________________________________ Bone 18 contains: (A) cuboid, (B) talus, and (C) calcaneous. It is the_____________________ Number in body ________ Brief description ______________________________________________________________________________ Bone 19 contains: (A) greater wings, (B) sella turcica, and (C) lesser wings. It is the_____________________ Number in body ________ Brief description ______________________________________________________________________________ Bone 20 contains: (A) mastoid process, (B) styloid process, and (C) zygomatic process. It is the_____________________ Number in body ________ Brief description ______________________________________________________________________________ 2 ELI NAS 161 Bone 21 contains: (A) mental foramen, (B) condylar process, and (C) coronoid process. It is the_____________________ Number in body ________ Brief description ______________________________________________________________________________ Bone 22 contains: (A) cribriform plate, (B) crista galli, and (C) perpendicular plate. It is the_____________________ Number in body ________ Brief description ___________________________________________________________________________ 3
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