Team assignment part due tomorrow

timer Asked: Jul 24th, 2013

Question Description

I have a section due tomorrow can you help me with it. 

      Project Charter: The key element defined on the project charter is the purpose or business need that this project supports. The project charter also defines the authority level of the project manager and authorizes the project, making it realistic. The project mission and goals may be integrated into a contract shared by the organization performing the work and the organization funding the work—if there is an outside customer—and defined in a statement of work (SOW).  

McBride Project Management Plan

Project Plan

“McBride Financial Services is a start-up regional mortgage lender headquartered in Boise, Idaho. The firm will specialize in conventional, FHA, and VA loans for home purchasing and refinancing” (University of Phoenix, 2013).   Based on the transcript of the conversation between Hugh McBride (HM), of McBride Financial Services and Abram LaBelle (AL) of Smith Systems Consulting discussing the computer network needed for McBride’s planned offices, the company intends to expand its operations into eight locations.  The first locations will be located in Boise, Idaho and Sioux Falls, South Dakota with the Boise location identified as the McBride Financial Services home office.  There will also be two additional facilities in North Dakota, two more in Wyoming, one in Montana and an additional facility in Rapid City, South Dakota. 

Methodology and Business Case

McBride Financial Services will sequence the installations in a phased approach to make the most efficient use of manpower and resources.  The first two installations will occur simultaneously with one being the main headquarters at the Boise, ID location and the other at the Sioux Falls, SD locale.  There will be a programmed pause after the initial two installations to provide an opportunity to conduct lessons learned, refine the process, and train the installation teams.  Subsequent installations will occur in pairs over a six month period to allow time for final site preparations at each of the proposed locations.  The desired goal is a fully functional information system at each of the eight McBride Financial Services locations within one year.

Project Goal

McBride financial service has a goal of being the premier one stop mortgage company in five states.  This goal has led to the decision to expand and grow to eight more businesses opening up.  What this report will do is give a brief history of the company and their mission, and provide a look at who the primary stakeholders will be and the plan for each office.


McBride as a company is known for the ability to provide homeowners with the ability to stay with one company through the entire process of buying or selling a home.  Staying on the cutting edge of technology for the industry has proven well for McBride. This has helped them to complete their mission of providing fast and effective way to process mortgage applications.


The primary stakeholder in this business plan is Hugh McBride the owner of this company.  The secondary stakeholder will be the brokers at each office. These brokers will have a large role in the company because of them being the primary expense and the primary income, so hiring well-qualified people will be a main goal for McBride to accomplish.


The goal for McBride is to open up eight offices for financial services in in Idaho, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming.  The Idaho office will be the main office with the others reporting to Idaho.  Staffing goals are that the main office will staff the administrative assistants that will handle the necessary paper work.  All other offices will have two to three brokers that will handle all the services in that region.  


Project Charter


Project Scope


Work Breakdown Structure


Schedule Management Plan


Stakeholder Analysis


Communication Management Plan


Quality Management Plan


Risk Management Plan


Procurement Plan


Cost Management Plan


Staffing Plan









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