i what someone do my assignment?

timer Asked: Apr 6th, 2017

Question Description

A small grocery store has one checkout. You have been asked to write a program to simulate the grocery store as it checks out customers. YOU ARE REQURED TO USE A QUEUE TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM. The queue program (qu.py) is located on the Instructor drive. Here are some guidelines

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CS 222 01 Programming Assignment 06 – Chapter 03 20 Points Due: Friday, April 7, 2017 at the beginning of class If not turned in by 9:10am, lose 2 points and no extra credit will be counted If not turned in by 10:15, lose 5 points and no extra credit will be counted’ If not turned in by 3:00pm, no credit A small grocery store has one checkout. You have been asked to write a program to simulate the grocery store as it checks out customers. YOU ARE REQURED TO USE A QUEUE TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM. The queue program (qu.py) is located on the Instructor drive. Here are some guidelines: 1. A customer gets to the checkout every 1 – 5 minutes 2. The checker can process one customer every 5 – 15 minutes (depends on how many groceries customer has) 3. The program should find the average wait time for customers and the number of customers left in the queue 4. Use the random number generator to get values for when customers get to the checkout and how long the checker will take. 5. You are not required to use classes, but it might make things easier Add the following comments to the beginning of the program. Name: Your Name Class and Section: CS 222 01 Assignment: Program Assignment 06 Due Date: See above Date Turned in: Program Description: You write a short description of what the program will do When you complete the program, do the following. 1. Create a folder with the following name: ProgramAssignment06 2. Copy your program to this folder 3. Copy the folder to your folder in the I:\kopp\inbox\CS 222 01 folder Extra Credit: 10 points Add another checkout. This one should be an express lane in which customers with 15 or less items can use it. Modify the original program so that it now has 2 queues, one for the regular checkout and one for the express checkout. Express customers arrive at the checkout every 1-2 minutes. The express checker can process a customer every 2-4 minutes. You will need to figure out how to determine if the customer is express or not. The program should print out the same as above plus average wait time for express customers and number of express customers still in the queue. You must turn in both programs separately if you do the extra credit.
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