the history of science, science homework help

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Question 1: What role did hydraulic engineering play in the Urban Revolution? Use examples from the reading and cite your sources appropriately.

Question 2: Why were Megalithic structures important for astronomical observation in the Stone Age? Use examples from the reading and cite your sources.

Question 3: Were the Greeks or the Romans more influential in the pursuit of scientific knowledge and why? Use examples from the reading and cite your sources.

Question 4: Discuss three (3) of the most important innovations within the Chinese empire and how they impacted Western civilization. Use examples from the reading and cite your sources.

Question 5: Match up I will send a screenshot for the one who answer my questions

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Explanation & Answer


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History of science
What role did hydraulic engineering play in the Urban Revolution?
Hydraulic engineering played a big role in urban revolution as it helped in controlling
water flow in the urban centers. It helped in the control of sewerage and water flow, thus
enabling for settling of more people in urban centers (Chemla 24). Apart from that, hydraulic
engineering helped in creation of dams and hydraulic power plants. Dams became very vital in
supply of water in the urban centers while the hydraulic power plants helped in generation of
electricity for the running of the different machinery and industries in urban centers. Apart from
that, hydraulic engineering helped in the control of floods during high rain seasons, which helped
in preserving buildings and property. As such, hydraulic engineering was very helpful in setting
up and growth of urban centers. The best example of this is the creation of bridges, dams and
sewerage systems in urban centers (Chemla 35).
Why were Megalithic structures important for astronomical observation in the Stone Age?
Megalithic structures we...

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