Homework in computer security..

timer Asked: Apr 9th, 2017

Question Description

1. Watch the videos above.

2. Consider the steganography concept. Note that in some cases, steganography is in fact used as a "good" tool. For example, the same embedding techniques can be used to embed copyright or origin identification content. Post a short paragraph describing how in general steganography could be used for good. Think of a specific application, and specific media (music, video, text, etc.) You cannot use watermarking as example. Post this suggestion and then read.
3. post a reply for this

"Stenography is basically the idea of covering a message, image or video with another type of the same media. The main difference with cryptography is that is not visible if indeed stenography was used so it is hard to discover.

Some type of stenography has being used by humans for many years but digital stenography took off with the use of computers first slow but now there is plenty of stenography software available.

One of the most popular uses of stenography is to hide one image inside another using manipulating the bits of each color component in some specify way."

thank you

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