Need help figuring out java code

timer Asked: Apr 11th, 2017

Question Description

In the game of Whatzee (a game of my own inventions by combining Wyman and Yhatzee), the player rolls two dice and the computer rolls two dice. If the player rolls double-6s, they win! Otherwise, if they roll doubles, they earn points equal 10 times the value of the dice, unless they roll "snake eyes", double ones, in which case they automatically lose. The computer follows the same scoring mechanism, but does not automatically win for double 6s.

Write a Java program that will prompt the user for their name and then roll the dice for the player and the computer. Display a message with the point values and a descriptive message, such as "Congratulations! You win!", or "It's a tie!", or "Computer won. Better luck next time."

Implement a Die class which will simulate a six-sided Die. The Die class should include appropriate instance fields (there should only be one), a constructor, accessor and mutator methods including a roll() method which will simulate rolling the die. To simulate rolling a die, you will need to generate a random number. To generate a random number, use the random() method from the Math class. Math.random() will generate a random double between 0 and 1, including 0 but not 1. To simulate rolling a die, we need to generate a random number between 1 and 6, inclusive. The following code segment simulates rolling a die:the player rolls two dice and the computer rolls two dice. If the player rolls double-6s, they win! Otherwise, if they roll doubles, they earn points equal 10 times the value of the dice, unless they roll "snake eyes", double ones, in which case they automatically lose. The computer follows the same scoring mechanism, but does not automatically win for double 6s.

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