I want someone who could write for me about 2 sources related to autism and how its is related

timer Asked: Apr 12th, 2017

Question Description

Assignment: Your annotated bibliography will consist of two (2) sources that you have deemed relevant to Autism for the project, “Writing to Describe Perspectives”.While you may encounter sources that are not relevant or do not fit the scope of your project while researching, for the purposes of this assignment, you will only include the ones that you find useful and relevant.

1.Cite each source in proper MLA format.The citations should be organized in alphabetical order by author just as in a MLA Works Cited page.

2.Follow with a brief annotation that summarizes each source (approx. 1-3 sentences). You may quote from the source, but do not copy and paste the abstract. Ideally, all of the annotation should be in your own words.

3.In 1 to 3 sentences, explain the source’s relevance and importance to your issue. It may also be helpful to identify the stakeholder, or point of view, that the source supports.

This task does not have a requirement of minimum number of words.

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