discuss how and why Irish and Italians were not received as racially “white”, assignment help

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Watch part 1 & 2 of hoodwinked then answer reflection questions.

1) A. Briefly discuss how and why Irish and Italians were not received as racially “white” in the 1840-50s and 1880-1920, periods, respectively, when they first arrived to the US.

B. Discuss the history and process of how these groups became ethnic whites as per Guest.

2) A. Considering the genocide committed upon Native Americans, the stereotypical images of the "Indian" that is a fixture in the US media, their virtual exclusion from the history books in schools and their socio-economic status of poverty to date, are Native American team mascots in American schools and sports teams honoring Native American Peoples? Or, dosuch logos and mascots further the vicious cycle of prejudice and discrimination against them? What do you think?

B.Who are Billy Mills and Charlene Teeters(Dishonorable Mention)?What is his the nature of their work and how is it relevant to our focus on race, ethnicity, and resistance? Will they and others win their battle/ particular struggle? Why or Why not?

3) A. Recall the Hoodwinked. Discuss what you see, hear and feel about the content, the people interviewed, and the contemporary social problem that is the subject of this documentary.

B.Characterize the contemporary social problem here and its significance to anthropology.

4) A. Distinguish Between Deficits-vs- Strength Based Models.

B. What statistical sources are used toanalyze and support the varying arguments made in this documentary?

5) From the examples posed by (a) Dr. Toldson, (b) Dr. Boyce Watkins, (c) Dr. Marc Hill, (d) Dr. J. Kunjufu, (e) Dr. Steve Perry and (f)Jenks Morton - Explain the position and concern of each of these gentlemen.

6) A. What is the role of the educated person? What are the "educated persons" featured in the documentaries doing with their education as it pertains to the contemporary social problem addressed? B. Will they and others win their battle/ particular struggle? Why or Why not?

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Explanation & Answer

Wow! Hi Cnettey, I hope you are going on well. I am through with the work you can have a look at it. In case of any query you can hit me here to help you. Always at your service pal. Thanks a lot for your patience.Kind regards, Sarah.






1) A. Reasons why Irish and Italians were not received as racially “white” in 1840 – 50s and
1880 – 1920 in the United States.
Irish and Italians were not received as whites in American because they had migrated
from their own countries to the United States in small numbers. Their poor background,
economic activities, low education level and culture also denied them the opportunity to be
received as whites. Although they were white in color, their physical appearances such hair and
nose were not the same as the Native Americans hence they were subjected to the stereotypes
that were accorded any other migrant into America. They arrived at a time when racial
discrimination was heightened. In 1880-1920, Irish and Italians had migrated in large numbers
into the United States. The locals felt that they were interfering and posing a threat to their
normal way of life hence they discriminated them and received them as non-whites.
1) B. History and process of how Irish and Italians became ethnic groups as per guest.
As a result of discrimination and classification in the same category as African-Americans, the
Irish and Italians joined the identity fight in the United States. Together with the AfricanAmericans, they fought for their freedom. After a long struggle for freedom and stay in America,
the United States government enacted a neutralization law that intended to make all the white
people free in America regardless of ethnicity and origin. This law saw Irish and Italians become
free from slavery and discrimination which made them be recognized as ethnic groups in the
United States.
2) A. Logos and mascots will further the vicious cycle of prejudice and discrimin...

Really helpful material, saved me a great deal of time.


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