Fact or Fiction

timer Asked: Apr 13th, 2017

Question Description

There is a 200 words minium

Scientific Research and the Public Trust David B Resnik

Please consider Resnik's ideas carefully and be prepared to discuss thoroughly. You will particularly need to cite Resnik in your responses to prompts four and five.

1.What is a scientific paradigm? Why do paradigms change over time?

2.In your words, what is heredity?

3.How have humans perceived heredity over time and how has that perception changed as major paradigm shifts in the discipline took place. How has technology helped change our views of heredity?

4.Explain the concept of public trust as the author uses it.

5.The various groups who make up the US public have different expectations of science. How do these differing expectations of science affect the ways groups place trust in science? Describe one example of a controversial expectation that the author gives.

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