fast-food franchise, writing homework help

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  • n the Unit 1 Discussion Board, you reviewed a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and trends (SWOTT) analysis of a fast-food franchise that was done in 2013. There have been many more recent changes with the fast-food giant toward improved business results. Read this article on these changes, and conduct a brief SWOTT analysis based on these new changes that includes the following:
  • Strengths: The internal and external characteristics of a company that are stronger than its competitors
  • Weaknesses: The internal and external characteristics of a company that are weaker than its competitors
  • Opportunities: The issues internal and external to a company that can affect the company and its competitors in a favorable way
  • Threats: The issues internal and external to a company that can affect the company and its competitors in an unfavorable way
  • Trends: The internal and external patterns in the organization, market, or industry
First initial M-Z: Provide an argument against the ability of a fast-food franchise to succeed with these strategies. Submit your position by posting in the Unit 2 Debate forum under the against topic Please use APA format including citations in the body of your work and sources in your References section.

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