
timer Asked: Apr 15th, 2017

Question Description

This project requires that you do some research regarding the protocols used in the Wireshark captures provided to try and determine what is happening in the capture. There are only two questions and if you can either explain it or do the two questions that would help me alot.

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Part II – PPP 1. Review the third capture file (Project Part II-a) and determine what is happening with the PPP traffic in this capture. a. Research one of the protocols relating to PPP and describe it here. a. Describe the traffic: what packets are involved and what is happening? (include source, destination, time of capture) b. Take a screenshot of the actual packets within the capture file that you observed this behavior. Part IV – Ipv6 – Ipv4 2. Review the third capture file (toredo) and determine what is happening with the Ipv4-IPv6 traffic in this capture. a. Research Toredo for encapsulation relating to Ipv6 using the content links in the course and describe it here. c. Describe the traffic: what packets are involved and what is happening? (include source, destination, time of capture) (Hint: look at all Ipv6 packets that have Toredo in their details) d. Take a screenshot of the actual packets within the capture file that you observed this behavior.
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