Correct my lab c++

timer Asked: Apr 17th, 2017

Question Description

hello i have lab c++ program i need to get it correct and this the wrong questions :

Lesson 18-2



/* 2/4 points */

/* You did not record your output. */



/* 0/4 points */

/* Your program does not calculate the fibonacci numbers. Your program

does not work because it contains an error that causes the recursion to

go past 0 and then recurse inifinitely after it. If you would like a

more thorough explanation you can ask me or Dr. Lee about this. In

addition, this and the next exercise are about fibonacci numbers, not

factorials. */



/* 2/4 points */

/* You did not record your output. */


Lesson 18-3



/* 2/4 points */

/* While your program does recursively print out the elements in an

array with limit values, your porgram does not fulfill all the necessary

requirements. Your program was supposed to obtain the values for the

array from the file "recursive". You program initializes all the values

of the array, instead of filling in only the exact amount needed. In

addition, you had the user set the limit, instead of setting the limit

based on how many values were read in from the file. */



/* 0/4 points */

/* Code does not compile. */



/* 0/4 points */

/* Code does not compile. */


The recursion is well-used. With recursion, we get to the last element

before starting printing the elements. We dont need to use another data

structure to complete this task.

If we dont use recursion, we would need to store the elements of the

list into a stack, and then print the elements of the stack.

/* 2/4 points */

/* You did not answer both parts of the question. You were supposed to

say whether both situations were good uses of recursion. You only

touched on the use of recursion in the first situation. */

/* Ex 5 0/4 points */

/* No code or answer detected for this exercise. */

/* Ex 6 0/4 points */

/* No code or answer detected for this exercise. */

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