English Career Report

timer Asked: Apr 23rd, 2017

Question Description

This is a senior career report paper. I choose anesthesiologist. You don't have to do the interview, I will add that later. The instructions are listed on the file attached.

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ENGLISH 4: CAREER REPORT AND POWERPOINT PRESENTATION WRITTEN REPORT AND PRESENTATION DUE 50 POINTS WRITING AND 50 POINTS ORAL PRESENTATION PROJECT Introduction: Career exploration is an important part of your high school education because it gives you a focus for the future. Hopefully you will make decisions about your classes and study habits that reflect your career and education goals. PART 1 Career Report: Write a 2-3 page typewritten paper on a career of interest. Collect research materials from the library and Internet. In addition to gathering information from credible written sources (secondary sources), speaking with an expert on your topic (a primary source) will provide you with valuable insight and the most current information available for your research; this is required. You must provide at least two quotes from your interviewee. You must use parenthetical documentations (in-text citations) from a minimum of four different sources. Report should be prepared in proper MLA Format with a Works Cited page. One block day in the media center for research is included on the schedule for Papers must be submitted to turnitin.com. Please include the following sections (and LABEL) in your report: SECTION 1: Job Description/Duties Provide a solid job description. What responsibilities would you have? Which responsibilities would you like and which would you dislike? SECTION 2: Personal Characteristics Needed What important personal characteristics do you think would be needed to be happy and successful in this occupation? What personal values does this career provide that are important to you? (Examples: security, having fun, status, helping others, challenging...) SECTION 3: Education Needed What specific high school classes and activities would be most helpful in preparing for this career? What type of education or training would you need after high school? Do you need a Master's Degree? Occupational School? List possible colleges/schools where you may receive training. SECTION 4: Work Setting How many hours would you generally work? What would your work environment be? Would you travel? Would your job be stressful? What would you like and dislike about the work setting? SECTION 5: Wages and Benefits Entry wages: How much would a worker in this occupation generally start at? What is the range of wages that an experienced worker can earn? Will the worker receive insurance, sick leave, paid vacation etc. Do you see this occupation as providing enough income for you to live according to your expectations? SECTION 6: Employment Outlook What is the occupational outlook for this career? SECTION 7: Personal Assessment Explain why you think this occupation would be right for you. How does it fit your personality, interests, values, educational plans? (Over)
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