Being Pro: Same Sex marriage in the state of Texas. Describe the history of the policy, writing homework help

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Step 1: Identify the issue and how both the US government and Texas government have been currently addressing it (historical perspective).

Step 2: Gather a minimum of three scholarly research articles and additional news/current events relevant to the topic.

Step 3: Prepare a formal policy report that is a minimum of 1000 words (excluding cited text),

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General Outline-use subheads *Introduction *Describe the problem *History of the policy-Texas most likely but whatever is most relevant to your topic *What is Texas doing currently-current Texas policy and what they are trying to do *Current federal policy/response *What YOU think should be done and why *Conclusion **3 scholarly sources. Step 1: Identify the issue and how both the US government and Texas government have been currently addressing it (historical perspective). Step 2: Gather a minimum of three scholarly research articles and additional news/current events relevant to the topic. Step 3: Prepare a formal policy report that is a minimum of 1000 words (excluding cited text), which includes a discussion of the following: -A statement of the current policy -Reasons for initiating changes -Policy options to be considered -Pros and cons of each option -Recommended course of action -Reasoning for selecting that course of action RUBRIC Policy Proposal 50 Clear overview of problem policy is trying to solve 25 Clear history of policy, can also include nationally 25 Clear description of current Texas policy, including dates passed 25 Your opinion on the policy and what should change 25 Use of facts and at least 5 sources (3 must be scholarly journals) 50 Proper writing style, grammar, etc. 25 Proper citations & reference page 25 Total Points 250
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